Hamburg United Methodist Church 116 Union St Hamburg, New York, 14075 (716) 649-8080 Worship Livestream: Sundays at 10 am Via Facebook Live & Youtube
From The Desk of Pastor David Nicol
Dear Saints,
We have entered September, and so far things at Hamburg UMC look good for our work for Christ. In August, I began working to organize the Southern Tier Circuit (Four Corners UMC, Versailles UMC, and Gowanda UMC), where the Bishop has appointed me to serve as Coordinating Pastor. The initial work has been establishing a preaching rotation and providing for sacraments. I am grateful to the retired clergy who have committed to sharing in this effort, especially Greg Crispell and Carl Nicol who have agreed to preside at communion while lay preachers lead worship. We will continue to work together to strengthen the connection between Hamburg UMC and the churches on the Southern Tier Circuit. I will be leading a joint service for these congregations in October, and I know you will be blessed by worship while I am away. I also want to thank Victor Metivier for his willingness to lead worship during my recent vacation! It was a well-needed rest, and while I am glad to be back, it reminded me of how much I need to take care of myself to be useful to you.
Each preacher on the rotation who has spoken to me after visiting a new church has told me about the positive response they received, and the joy of meeting new friends in Christ. Better yet, I am hearing from the churches in the circuit that they have been blessed by the new friends joining them there! I will admit, I was somewhat concerned—change is hard! But God is good, all the time, and is providing for us all!
The choir has returned in force, and we continue to see new faces in worship at Hamburg UMC. I am also excited to see a Sunday School starting for those younger than the adults in John Meader’s ongoing class. We may be starting small, but great things are happening in Hamburg with the work of the Holy Spirit! Thank you all for the role you play in helping other people come to follow Jesus!
If you haven’t met Julie, our new Youth Choir Director, yet please introduce yourself. She is enthusiastic and we are hopeful that her work will develop a new outreach opportunity for us. This is a stretch for us, for sure, and an experiment, but with God’s help, I am sure we can work together to identify and recruit youth who will learn musical skills and, we hope, come to see a community of people following Jesus as a safe place to be, and meet people beyond their own age group who will offer them love and care.
Sparks of Hope has continued to provide effective ministry to the recovery community, and SPRC has approved a self-funded part-time director search to oversee, enhance, and train volunteers for that ministry. This will require the Director to fund-raise to assure the position does not impact the budget, but has amazing potential to further the work of this vital ministry. Look for more information in the months to come!
The one challenge we face going into the Fall is our utility overage. We have discovered that our solar panels were shut off at the distribution box. While we are considering security options for that issue going forward, we have faced a significant increase in unexpected expenses this year as a result. Giving to the work of the Church is vitally important as a result. As we go forward, please prayerfully consider how you may be called to help overcome this hurdle. The increase in our shortfall of roughly $10,000 this year will be a challenge to address, but I trust God will be with us and use us to manage this as well. Going forward, we will be inviting you to prayerfully consider how you might give generously in 2023, so that the work of Christ in Hamburg continues into the future. I have had a financially strenuous year, and I know some of you have as well. Please consider, with me, what God might be calling you to do financially to assure the ministry of the Church continues strong for years to come, as we see signs of growth and the work of God’s grace in our midst.
I continue to be blessed to serve among you. Thank you for who you are and all you do!
In Christ’s Service, with you,
Pastor David Nicol
Announcements from the Office

The office will be putting together an announcement slideshow for the gathering space. Content is accepted weekly and due on Wednesday Morning to the church office.
**Please note for repeating slides, the last Sunday it should be run.
Office hours
Monday- Thursday: 9am-2pm
Friday: 9 am-Noon
Email us!!
Pastor David: PastorDavid@hamburgumc.org
Jeannine Vanwey: Music@hamburgumc.org
Lisa Link: ChristianEd@hamburgumc.org
Kathy Manguso: Treasurer@hamburgumc.org
Patrick Fitzgerald: AV@hamburgumc.org
Cristina Glover: Office@hamburgumc.org

If unable to serve on your appointed date,
please make arrangements to switch with another Steward

Homespun Holiday Bazaar Nov. 4-5;
Helpers of all Kinds are Needed!
The annual Homespun Holiday Bazaar is planned for Friday, Nov. 4 from 6 to 8:30 p.m. and Saturday, Nov. 5 this fall from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. featuring crafts, baked goods, community vendors, the book sale and the return of the takeout lunch. Profits will benefit ministries supporting women and children here and across the world.
We would appreciate help of all kinds from all ages (and genders) of our HUMC members, loved ones, and HUMC friends to make this event a success:
Save the date: Sunday, Oct. 30 (right after service) to help move items in preparation for the setup of the bazaar.
During the week of the bazaar, help will be needed with table setup.
Help is needed with the final setup assisting vendors and posting signs, for example, on Friday, Nov. 4.
Finally, with a big event like this, a cleanup crew is always needed! This will be on Sunday, Nov. 13.
Please see the signup sheets in the Gathering Area to let us know how and where you want to pitch in and make this work light!
You can also contact Rose Caldwell (716) 713-9548 or Sharon Tiballi (716) 980-6171 anytime to let them know you would like to help.
Thank you for serving Christ in this way!

Are you a handcrafter? Have you been knitting, crocheting, sewing, or working on woodwork, ceramics, holiday decorations, tree ornaments, or other handcrafts? We would love to have your handicrafts to sell at the bazaar! Please leave your items in the church parlor on or before 10 am on Tuesday, October 25th. If you would price your items, that will be very helpful. Thank you for your valued contributions in helping to support many local organizations in need through the national United Women in Faith (UWIF). We look forward to a wonderful bazaar weekend filled with the fellowship of old and new friends. Please contact Pat Adema, at (716) 206-4687, with any questions.

In Remembrance: Dianne M. Scheffler – born August 13, 1942; entered the church triumphant August 21, 2022
The righteous live forever; their reward is with the Lord. Our thoughts and prayers are with their families and friends.
From the Family of David Wade
Many, many thanks to the HUMC congregation for caring for us in our time of tremendous loss. We are grateful for your prayers. Our family is deeply appreciative of all the love, kindness, and hospitality extended to us following David's death. Every kind word spoken, the many loving cards, and the hugs too numerous to count, have helped us as we grieve.
Special thanks to Pastor David, Jeannine, Jim, Cristina, Patrick, and the funeral committee for a lovely funeral service and reception under difficult circumstances.
Much love,
Lynda and Jon Sentz & family

SCYC proudly welcomes vocalists for the 2022-2023 season. Middle School and high school students who wish to enrich their musical learning and vocal abilities are encouraged to register. No prior experience is required. Choir practices will be held Thursday evenings from 6 pm to 7 pm once per week from September through May. Choir members will perform once a month at Hamburg United Methodist Church and other venues within our communities.
Music selections will include challenging, fun, well-written, and varied pieces that will suit everyone in the audience.
The goal of the Southtowns Community Youth Choir is to uplift our communities through high-quality choral music and to provide musical education to singers through structured programming. The Choir provides a safe setting where youth can explore and develop musical literacy and vocal technique while becoming confident performers.
Many thanks to Hamburg United Methodist Church, whom through their sponsorship, there is no fee to participate in this program. However, it is expected that participants will attend weekly practices and performances that are held once monthly.
BOOK SALE Donations of new, almost new, and gently used books are needed for the annual Book Sale held during the United Women in Faith bazaar on November 4 and 5. Books can be for children, youth, and adults, fiction and non-fiction, fact and fun, for pleasure reading or information. NO TEXTBOOKS PLEASE. Books should be left in the hallway by the mailboxes any time before October 15. Any questions??? see Dick Caldwell.

Thank you to everyone who supported the HUMANGO Raffle Basket and Silent Auction event with baskets, items to create baskets, and purchasing tickets. Our 25th Annual HUMANGO Golf Outing was a huge success! We couldn’t have done it without you! Pat Adema, Sue Gagne, Wendy Spaulding, and HUMANGO Committee

The Retired Men’s Fellowship of Hamburg UMC will mark the beginning of the fall
season with their monthly lunch gathering on Tuesday October 18 at Noon at ZJ’s
Restaurant in the Hamburg Village Plaza. All retired men are invited. Come and bring a friend for food and fellowship.
Dick Caldwell, facilitator

The Isaacs and The Martins are coming together for a wonderful Southern Gospel tour!
The Isaacs are a bluegrass Southern gospel music group consisting of mother Lily Isaacs, daughters Becky and Sonya Isaacs, and son Ben Isaacs, along with John Bowman as an instrumentalist and songwriter. The Martins are also a talented musical family who are also multi-Dove Award-winning and multi-Grammy Nominated Recording Artists featuring smooth rich tones!
Time & Location
Saturday, October 1st | Attica High School in Attica, NY
The concert begins at 7 pm with doors opening at 6 pm
General Admission = $30
Door Sales = $33
To purchase tickets for the Attica concert, click HERE!
To volunteer for this event, click HERE!

The Joys of Aging by Martin A. Janis. The Joys of Aging is an upbeat look at what it means to retire and what it can mean. In his introduction, the author says: “This book is about a modern phenomenon – the New 65+ Generation. Never before have so many been so healthy in body and mind at age 65. Never before in the history of mankind have so many individuals reached age 65 and many have gone beyond it. Never before have so many experienced the joys of aging. Many of us can look forward to an additional twenty to thirty years of life with time to benefit ourselves, family, friends, and community.” This is an inspirational book for all who are now retired or just thinking about it. It is replete with wisdom, down-to-earth common sense, and good humor.
Ice Bound – A Doctor’s Incredible Battle for Survival at the South Pole by Dr. Jerri Nielsen. This is the dramatic and inspiring true story of Dr. Jerri Nielsen, the physician stranded at a south pole research station whose amazing rescue in October 1999 made headlines around the globe. While working to maintain the mental and physical fitness of researchers, construction workers, and staff, she discovered a lump in her breast. In consultation with U.S. doctors, she performed a biopsy on herself, followed by chemo treatments to ensure her survival. Her story is a powerfully moving drama of love and loss, of one woman’s voyage of self-discovery through an extraordinary struggle for survival.
The Outsider by Ann H. Gabhart. Gabrielle and her mother joined the Harmony Hill Shaker community in 1807. The community promised stability and devotion that Gabrielle wholeheartedly embraced. When a local doctor moves in, he sets in motion a chain of events that challenges her loyalty to the Shakers. Over time she falls into a forbidden love for the doctor and must choose between true happiness in the community or abandoning the community for a life in the unknown. Other books in our church library by this author are The Blessed, The Believer, and The Seeker.
With the cooler days of autumn, there will be time to find a comfortable place to relax and read. Visit our church library to find a good collection of books for your reading enjoyment.

Hello everyone, It is the time of the year to think about Children and Christmas. Leo and Ginger Jensen and the mission's time ask for your prayers and help to show our Christian Love to children in need... We have lots of Samaritan Purse Shoeboxes.
There will be a display and information in the lobby soon.
Thanks in Christ, serving our Lord.


Around the globe, countless gifted and qualified people face financial obstacles that hinder them from preparing for the vocation God has given them, especially youth and young adults. For ethnic students who will be the first generation in their families to attend college, or for those people of color who haven’t historically had access to resources that make higher education possible, the road toward education has often been unwieldy.
What would it look like if the church today imitated Jesus’ affirmation of the full dignity and God-given potential of all women and men—especially those who’ve historically been assigned to the world’s margins? On World Communion Sunday, October 2, your giving can help to provide scholarships for national and international graduate students whom God has gifted to learn and to serve.
As a small child, Mary Grace Galapon labored as a housemaid in exchange for food and clothing. Yet, allowed to attend church, she found hope. As a member of The United Methodist Church, your giving on World Communion Sunday has allowed this deaconess, of the Mindanao Philippines Annual Conference, to pursue an education that is now changing her community as she works to eliminate poverty. Mary Grace’s work, and the impact of hundreds more like her, are possible because you give.
You can give your gift on World Communion Sunday to make education and vocational impact possible for more students, like Mary Grace. You can help to equip gifted and qualified students from around the globe to become the world-changers God created them to be.
Your gift for World Communion Sunday can be given on October 2 or any other time during the month of October with your regular offering by check or electronically. Offering envelopes will be with the offering plate in the sanctuary and at the Welcome Center in the Gathering Space.

Join us for a virtual fellowship! This group is a place to share prayer requests, devotions, concerns, joys, and even some humor with your church family. Join the Hamburg UMC Fellowship group on Facebook.
PRAYER CONCERNS? If you would like someone added to our church prayer list, call Barb Meader (648-1273) or email her at bmeader712017@gmail.com, or contact anyone who is a Prayer, Care, and Share member. Daily we lift the concerns that have been shared with us.
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4: 4-7)