Hamburg United Methodist Church 116 Union St Hamburg, New York, 14075 (716) 649-8080 Worship Livestream: Sundays at 10am Via Facebook Live
From The Desk of Pastor David Nicol
Dear Saints,
One of the things I love about serving as a pastor to a local congregation is that I never know what my day might bring! There are the difficult moments, like calls from grieving families or funeral directors, but also joyous moments; requests for baptisms, celebrations of healing, answered prayers, testimonies to God’s grace, and opportunities to talk about Jesus all come to mind. Every day, there’s something new in the service of the Lord, and that’s not just true for pastors!
There’s the old saw, “you just work an hour or so on Sunday!” That’s not true, of course, but it’s also not true that I do that and make visits or show up for Church events and that’s it either. Perhaps one of the most unexpected parts of pastoral ministry (for many folks on the outside, and many new clergy) is the work of administration. When I was first appointed, the idea of paperwork was the last thing I thought I could enjoy or even value. A retired District Superintendent I got to know helped reframe that, he referred to this as a ministry of administration, and said that those pastors he knew who took the time to do necessary administrative tasks were more effective at the rest of ministry. He was right. Whether it’s looking over membership records, helping read budgets, or learning the rules of congregational governance, we are more effective in our mission of making disciples of Jesus when we take care of Church order.
As I write, I’ve had an interesting administrative day—discussing employee benefit options that would improve the work experience without costing the church, encouraging resolution to Church financial matters, and making plans for the next couple of months of ministry. While I’m glad I don’t have to manage any of those things single-handed, I am glad to be a part of helping the ministry of the congregation run smoothly so that we can better make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world!
Christ is Risen! Hallelujah!
I remain, in Christ’s Service (even in the nitpicky little things), with you,
Pastor David Nicol
Announcements from the Office
The office will be putting together an announcement slideshow for the gathering space. Content is accepted weekly and due on Wednesday Morning to the church office.
**Please note for repeating slides, the last Sunday it should be run.
Office hours
Monday- Thursday: 9am-2pm
Friday: 9am-Noon
Email us!!
Pastor David: PastorDavid@hamburgumc.org
Jeannine Vanwey: Music@hamburgumc.org
Lisa Link: ChristianEd@hamburgumc.org
Kathy Manguso: Treasurer@hamburgumc.org
Patrick Fitzgerald: AV@hamburgumc.org
Cristina Glover: Office@hamburgumc.org

Returning your cans and bottles can be an easy way to donate $$ to Little Lamb Preschool. Just take them to Can Bottle Return, 4255 Clark Street in Hamburg (next to Vara Cleaners) and designate your refund to Little Lamb. They keep the money on record and periodically send Little Lamb a check. Easy for you, easy for them…and much appreciated by Little Lamb.

Book Club will meet Monday, May 23, at 10:30 in the Library. Brit Bennett’s novel The Vanishing Half will provide the grist for our discussion. The lives of two sisters and their daughters intertwine in this book named one of the best of 2020 by The New York Times.. Please join us!
The Retired Men’s Fellowship of Hamburg UMC will have their monthly lunch gathering on Tuesday, May 17 at 12 Noon at ZJ’s Restaurant in the Hamburg Village Plaza. All retired men are invited. Come and bring a friend for food and fellowship.
Dick Caldwell, facilitator
SUNDAY, MAY 1, 2022
Most Americans today recognize that the immigrants to America found a God with little resemblance to the one Christians identify as Creator. That’s why the people of The United Methodist Church, Native and non-Native, are creating a new history. Through Native American Ministries Sunday, we are able to help Native American pastors, congregations and seminary students to do what only they can do: authentically worship and serve Jesus.
You and other United Methodists around the world have given generously to the Native American Ministries Sunday offering since it began in 1989. This offering helps to develop and strengthen Native American ministries in the Annual Conferences, Native American rural, urban, reservation ministries, and communities relating to the General Board of Global Ministries. It also provides scholarships for Native Americans attending United Methodist schools of theology. This fund is distributed by the General Board of Higher Education and Ministries and The General Board of Global Ministries.
As a member of The United Methodist Church, your gift on Native American Ministries Sunday, equips Native congregations like nearby Four Corners UMC to worship and serve as only they can. This work and hundreds of other ministries are possible because you give. Offering envelopes will be on the table with the offering plate in the sanctuary and at the Welcome Center or you may use electronic giving, or a check mailed to the church for your offering. Gifts may be given on May 1 or any time thereafter.

Congratulations God Believes in You! – Clues to Happiness from the Beatitudes by Lloyd J. Ogilvie. In this book, the author shares his conviction that the Beatitudes hold the keys to lasting happiness. Each chapter will reward you with a fuller perspective on one facet of Christ’s eightfold portrait of the potential you. There will be new insights – one essential friendship everyone should have, two key principles for handling tension, three words that spell happiness, four crucial meanings of righteousness, five basic questions to ask when comfort is needed and much more.
Hope, Health and Healing by Carol Turkington, Candyce Norvell and Kim Campbell Thornton. In this book, the authors explore the latest research that shows that those who live with hope and faith have a better chance of being and staying healthy. It shows you how to use your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs to complement traditional medicine. A host of studies have shown that people who are surrounded by close, caring family and friends are more likely to survive serious illness than those who are alone. Maintaining wellness is a lifelong journey. Hope and faith can keep you well along the way.
Visit our church library and look for these or any other books that interest you for your reading enjoyment.
*** THANK YOU ***** THANK YOU ***** THANK YOU ***** THANK YOU ***
Many thanks to everyone who had a part in making the 2022 fish fries a big success. The funds earned will be used to do great things for the mission and ministry of our church. A big thank you to the organizers, planners, shoppers, cooks and fryers, food preparers, salad makers and bakers, dessert organizers and pie cutters, greeters, take out deliverers, those who set up and cleaned up, dish washers, ticket sellers, those who did publicity and the sidewalk signs, those who were in the channel 7 news clip, those who dined in and those who purchased take outs, and anyone else who participated in any way. We couldn’t have done it without you!!
*** THANK YOU ***** THANK YOU ***** THANK YOU ***** THANK YOU ***

Join us for virtual fellowship! This group is a place to share prayer requests, devotions, concerns, joys, and even some humor with your church family. Join the Hamburg UMC Fellowship group on Facebook.
PRAYER CONCERNS? If you would like someone added to our church prayer list, call Barb Meader (648-1273) or email her at bmeader712017@gmail.com, or contact anyone who is a member of Prayer, Care and Share. Daily we lift up the concerns that have been shared with us.
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4: 4-7)