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March 2025 Newsletter

Writer's picture: Cristina GloverCristina Glover

Hamburg United Methodist Church 116 Union St Hamburg, New York, 14075 (716) 649-8080 Sundays at 10 am

Also Streamed Via Facebook Live & Youtube

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Lent begins March 5 with services at both Hamburg UMC and Gowanda UMC at 7:00 PM. I invite you to enter the season to re-commit to discipleship in community during either of those services. GROW dinner will be at 6:00 prior to the service at Hamburg. Perhaps even more important to note, Fastnachts will be served on Tuesday, March 4 in the evening at Four Corners UMC—I hope to see many of you there for fun and fellowship!

Lenten disciplines vary in the Methodist tradition, from giving up something for the season, to taking on new disciplines for the season (or for good), to fasting and prayer. This year, I will spend the season without meat (though following the Western Church’s pattern of allowing fish). Many of our Roman Catholic neighbors keep a pescatarian fast for Fridays, and both as a way of offering support to them and in building community and helping to balance the budget, we hold fish fries at Hamburg each Friday of the Lenten season. That means March 7th will begin the 7 weeks of those dinners together. Come lend a hand, come eat, or tell a friend about the dinners (or maybe all three), and enjoy a local institution of the season!

As you consider what your Lenten disciplines for this year, I want to invite you to pray about what you are giving financially to the strengthening of your congregation’s mission for Christ in the world. The Hamburg Finance committee has developed some material for folks in Hamburg to consider how giving to the budget (that allows all of our missions to occur), and benevolences (like the Missions budget) strengthen our witness in the world. Whether you feel called to increase a pledge, give toward Missions or Sparks, or otherwise offer some resources to the world, one way to do that might be to consider what you are giving up for Lent and using those resources to help others through the work of the Church where you belong.

There are many things happening in our congregations, probably too many to list! Starting this Sunday, March 2, at 9am in the 2nd floor Adult Classroom, Dave Rood has invited those of you in Hamburg to Common Ground, a study to help us see each other as faithful disciples first, and to build trust to be able to hear one another through our differences. We will begin at the beginning, with Genesis 1, talking about Creation. Our hope is that learning to listen to one another about the different ways we read the Bible will strengthen our common faith in Christ and let us find ways to live together in Christ’s peace, so that we can offer a faithful and hopeful witness to a hurting world.

I am privileged to be your Pastor, all of you, and hope that we will continue to see growth in Christ together in the season to come.

In Christ, With you,

Pastor David Nicol



MAR 26

Mrs. Joyce Spencer

4543 Camp Rd. Unit 262

Hamburg, NY 14075

MAR 26

Mr. Dave Engberg

790 Letica Dr. Apt 521

Rochester, MI 48307-1581



Relentless Grace - Lente Launch Event

TOMORROW Saturday, March 1

10 a.m. - Noon

Hamburg UMC

All ages, individuals and families are invited!

Join us as we all prepare to enter the season of Lent. We invite you to journey with God in grace. We'll reflect on the gifts of mercy, renewal, and compassion that shape our lives as followers of Christ.

Get ready with us for Lent through activities, fun, learni


FISH FRY!  Next Friday and Every Friday ‘til Easter!

                                STARTING MAR 7 - WE NEED YOUR BAKING SKILLS!


PIES and


       CAKES and


              BROWNIES and


                      CUPCAKES / COOKIES


The Church’s First Fish Fry is NEXT FRIDAY!!  MAR 7 (Seven Fridays in All)


Your baking skills have ALWAYS been appreciated. 

Please help us out again.


Deliver your favorite home-made dessert to the church next Thursday or Friday.

Pies, cakes, brownies and cookies.  Drop them off at the kitchen.




Join Us in Reading Through the Bible in 2025

Would you consider reading through the Bible in 2025? Together as a church community, we can embark on this yearlong journey of faith and discovery. A Bible in a Year reading plan is available outside the church office and will also be published monthly in the newsletter. You can also access it online here: Bible in a year reading plan

Dedicating about 20 minutes a day to Scripture is a wonderful way to grow closer to God. Many who have done this discipline before share how it reveals surprising connections between different parts of the Bible and provides a deeper understanding of God’s love and guidance.

We hope you’ll join us on this meaningful journey of faith and exploration!


Church Council

December 30, 2024

Present: Jerry Scheggenburger, Caroline Schneggenburger, Matt Edie,

Bob Cook, David Rood, Ron Lesandro, Cheryl Bell, Dan Paskie, Rose

Caldwell, Lynda Sentz, Emily Slocum

David Rood opened the meeting with a prayer.

David R. made the motion to accept the minutes of November 25, 2024, with the following correction: SPRC has recommended a 3% increase in salaries in the 2025 budget. Rose seconded the motion. Motion approved.

Matt reported that due to the loss of a major donation for the remainder of 2024 and all of 2025 our budget situation has changed, Instead of a small surplus for this year we will have a deficit, and a problem with balancing the 2025 budget. Ron asked the Trustees for $15,000 to close this year’s deficit to make payroll and pay other bills. Emily reported that the money is in the account, payroll was made and other bills will be paid.

There was lengthy discussion regarding the 2025 budget and how to reach people to get them more engaged. David Rood suggested tithing in Lent as a way to get people engaged and increase our income. Several more ideas were discussed. Ron reported that presentation of a budget will be delayed as the Finance Committee works on it.

Dan reported that a variance for the parsonage has been approved by the town according to Pastor David. The Parsonage Committee has not met yet. Andrew Kirst will be putting bids for a new parsonage together.

David Rood reported that the pictorial directory information will be moved to January.

Rose reported that the audio in the sanctuary is good, but the online streaming still is experiencing issues.

Lynda reported that Sparks had a good holiday. Andrea and Charlie will take the lead at Sparks while Lynda and Jon are on vacation. Our next meeting is January 26, 2025.

Dan closed with a prayer.

Respectfully submitted,

Cheryl Bell


The Church office will be closed on Monday April 21, 2025 in observance of Easter.

Announcements from the Office


As winter weather approaches please make sure to keep an eye out for weather related closings for HUMC and Little Lamb Preschool : on WIVB News 4 and WKBW Channel 7

As a general rule, if Hamburg And/ Or City Of Buffalo Public Schools are closed, then the Church and Little Lamb Preschool will also be closed.


Content for the gathering space slide show is accepted weekly

and due on Wednesday Morning to the church office.

**Please note for repeating slides, the last Sunday it should be run.

Office hours

Monday- Thursday: 9am-2pm

Friday: 9 am-Noon

Email us!!

Jeannine Vanwey:

Patrick Fitzgerald:

Cristina Glover:


Make a Difference: Volunteer for Meals on Wheels This March!

March 2025 is HUMC’s month to serve our local neighbors through Meals on Wheels! This is a meaningful opportunity to bring nourishment and kindness to those in need—many of whom have little interaction with the outside world.

Too many seniors struggle to access healthy food or cook nutritious meals. In fact, about 10 million older adults in America face hunger every day. As we age, factors like decreased appetite, limited mobility, and dietary restrictions increase the risk of malnutrition. That’s where Meals on Wheels comes in—this remarkable network delivers 251 million meals annually to 2.2 million seniors across the country, providing more than just food.

Meals on Wheels delivers:

  •  Tailored Nutrition – Nutritious meals designed to meet the unique needs of seniors, ensuring they receive the nourishment they need.

  •  Social Connection – Friendly visits and phone calls to help clients feel less isolated and more connected.

  •  Safety Checks – Volunteers help assess home environments, identifying and addressing potential hazards.

  •  Resources & Referrals – Connecting seniors with additional services that promote well-being and independence.

How You Can Help

Volunteering is simple and requires just one hour of your time from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM. We meet at the Red Community Building on Prospect Avenue (by the playground) at 10:50 AM on the day you choose to deliver.

We encourage you to invite family and friends to join in this act of service. The more hands, the greater the impact!

If you are interested in helping, please contact Jen Stahl at:

716-481-9048 or 716-649-3117

By delivering meals, you're delivering nutrition, connection, and care—a simple act that makes a world of difference!


Julia Platt Memorial Scholarship- Applications Now Open

We are thrilled to announce that the Julia Platt Memorial Scholarship application is open through April 30, 2025  This scholarship honors the memory of Julia Platt and aims to support deserving individuals within our greater United Methodist congregation in their pursuit of higher education.

Multiple scholarship awards are available, with monetary amounts ranging from $500 to $2,000+, depending on the number of applicants.

To be considered for this esteemed award, applicants must meet the following prerequisites:

  • Confirmed Membership in a United Methodist Church

  • Status as a senior or high school graduate enrolled in a college, university, or trade school.

  • Age under 26 years old as of May 31st.

  • Exclusion from enrollment in a second bachelor's or graduate degree program.

Required documents for application include:

  • High school transcript.

  • College transcript or acceptance letter.

  • Applicant photo.

  • Three submitted references.

Scholarships will be awarded in person on Sunday, May 25, 2025, at 10:00 AM at Hamburg United Methodist Church. Recipients will receive an email invitation and are expected to attend the ceremony to receive their scholarship. Please make arrangements to be present and avoid scheduling conflicts.

Interested candidates can apply through the following link:

No paper applications available or accepted 



UMCOR Sunday - March 30, 2025

When disaster strikes around the globe, many people watching the drama unfold on their living room televisions feel entirely helpless. How could any one person make a difference in the wake of such widespread devastation? As responders around the globe scramble to help survivors, the United Methodist Committee on Relief, UMCOR, is prepared to act.

Since 1940, when UMCOR’s forerunner was established to meet the needs of those suffering overseas at the onset of World War II, we’ve continued to respond to those in desperate need throughout more than eighty countries around the world.  Convinced that all people have God-given worth and dignity, without regard to race, religion or gender, we are assisting those impacted by crisis or chronic need.  When we meet the needs of those who suffer we minister to Jesus.

Your generous giving to UMCOR Sunday underwrites UMCOR’s administrative costs and allows UMCOR to use 100% of all the funds given to humanitarian response and recovery efforts directly to communities in need.  Gifts ensure UMCOR can respond directly swiftly to disasters around the world and be a source of hope and healing for those left most vulnerable.

Because you give, the United Methodist Church’s compassionate response to human suffering continues today:

  • When tornadoes ripped through Oklahoma, we responded

  • When children in Zimbabwe lost parents to AIDS, we responded

  • When a massive tsunami devastated lives in Japan, we responded

  • And when the next mass crisis occurs, we will be prepared to respond

UMCOR will be able to offer aid in Jesus’ name to those who suffer because United Methodists give through UMCOR Sunday.  In fact, it’s your generous giving that allows us to respond when disaster strikes.   Donations by electronic giving or personal check may be given on UMCOR Sunday, March 30 or any time thereafter.


Dive into a Good Book- Join the HUMC Book Club.

We meet in the church library on the 4th Monday of the month at 10:30 am.

There will be no book club meeting in March, Discussion of March's selection will be moved to the April Meeting.

The following are the upcoming book selections:

March: The Housemaid by Freida McFadden 

April:    Leaving Time by Jodi Picoult 

May:     The Frozen River by Ariel Lawhon 

June:   The Color of Water by James McBride 

July:     The Nickel Boys by Colson Whitehead 

We will break for summer in August and resume in September. 

Book Club is Zoom-friendly. Contact Karen Klimecko for more information


Lenten Study for Adult Sunday School

John Meader’s Sunday School class will use Adam Hamilton’s book and DVD

“The Message of Jesus- Words that Changed the World” for our Lenten study.

All are welcome to join the discussion Sundays at 9am in the Parlor.


Contact David Rood with questions regarding Bible Study
Contact David Rood with questions regarding Bible Study

March 5th       Ash Wednesday Service No Study

March 12th  Session 9   of 9  Jeremiah 49-52

March 19th  Session 1 of 1 Lamentations 1-5

March 26th Session 1 of 8 Ezekiel 1-8

April 2nd  Session 2 of 8 Ezekiel 9-15

April 9th  Session 3 of 8 Ezekiel 16-20

April 16th  Session 4 of 8 Ezekiel 21-26

April 23rd  Session 5 of 8 Ezekiel 27-31

April 30th Session 6 of 8 Ezekiel 32-37

May 7th Session 7 of 8 Ezekiel 38-43

May 14th  Session 8 of 8 Ezekiel 44-48



Coffee Hour Schedule

March - SPRC

April- Prayer Care & Share

Groups are to provide goodies/ snacks

each Sunday of the month they are scheduled.


Did you know HUMC has committees whose members volunteer to host coffee hour once or twice a month? Most of these volunteers are on several committees where they are repeatedly hosting to provide goodies each Sunday.

We are opening this ministry up to Individuals or families who would be willing to occasionally be hosts or hostesses.

It’s simply making coffee, lemonade, bringing homemade or store bought items, and cleaning up afterwards.

A sign-up sheet is located on the counter in the gathering space, outside the front office

Where you can pick a Sunday of your choosing.

Would you consider joining in this time of fellowship?

Please get in touch with Sue Gagne with any questions.


Medical Equipment Lending Closet

Hamburg UMC has a medical equipment lending closet. It is located in Room 18 in the basement. Please check the closet before purchasing wheelchairs, walkers, commodes, crutches, canes, etc. The equipment available constantly changes. If you have medical equipment you are no longer using, you may donate them. We cannot take soft items such as gauze pads, diabetic supplies, incontinence, bandages, etc. For questions, please call Caroline Schneggenburger at 716-289-0541.




The Retired Men’s Fellowship of Hamburg UMC will gather for their monthly lunch on Tuesday, March 18at 12 Noon at at ZJ’s Restaurant in the Hamburg Village Plaza. All retired men are invited. Come and bring a friend for good food and good fellowship. Any questions? See Dick Caldwell, facilitator


Join us for a virtual fellowship! This group is a place to share prayer requests, devotions, concerns, joys, and even some humor with your church family. Join the Hamburg UMC Fellowship group on Facebook.



If you would like someone added to our church prayer list, call or text Barb Meader at 716-548-4139 or email her at, or contact anyone who is a Prayer, Care, and Share member, or Cristina in the church office. Our ministry is to pray daily for the concerns that have been shared with us.  

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus”   (Phillipians 4:4-7)


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It is the mission of HUMC to make disciples of Jesus Christ and to spread His Gospel through the full commitment of all our resources.


116 Union St.

Hamburg, NY 14075



© 2018 by Hamburg United Church

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