Hamburg United Methodist Church 116 Union St Hamburg, New York, 14075 (716) 649-8080 Sundays at 10 am
Also Streamed Via Facebook Live & Youtube
Dear Saints,
This week, Advent begins. As in years past, for four Sundays we will prepare for the coming of Christ. The stories we hear are those of the Prophets proclaiming a new and transformed world, and the promise of what God becoming human really means. At the end, we reach the birth of Jesus, the moment when God, the Creator of the cosmos, enters our human story as a participant—the moment when an everyday event changes everything.
Yes, there will be special services, beginning with Versailles UMC’s Christmas on December 13th at 7pm, then on December 21st the Blue Christmas service Hamburg will host for the Hamburg Clergy Alliance to give us space to reflect on the harder parts of the season. Christmas on Sunday the 22nd at Four Corners, then Christmas Eve at Gowanda and Hamburg. Details for all of those will be in the Flash each week as we get closer—and whichever congregation you call home, you’re welcome everywhere when you have the time!

I have added Luke’s account of Jesus’ birth on the sidebar, the last words are “guest room,” a far better rendering than “inn,” in the older translations. I remember when I first heard that, then had it confirmed in the Holy Land when I was blessed to visit. This year, too many of those guest rooms will be empty with the continued war that plagues Gaza and the rest of the region.
If you could visit Manger Square this year, you might visit the Church of the Nativity and see the grotto where a stone trough is remembered as the manger—hollowed out of the living rock, this would have been the lowest level of the house of Joseph’s family. There is much we don’t know about the family, including why Joseph needed to be counted there—was he a native of Bethlehem only working away in Nazareth? Were he and his betrothed really a part of the Bethlehem family, so much so that their home in the north was the residence of a migrant worker? How full was the house?
Many of our guest rooms will be full for Christmas too. Even so, hospitality demanded a private place for the couple and their newborn. In a season where many of our neighbors will celebrate the birth of Jesus, and many more the joy of family and friends, I hope we will reflect on the laborers’ child, born in humblest conditions, who came as King of kings to reshape our lives and the whole world. As Matthew puts it, Emmanuel, God is with us, not just in a birth long ago, but today, and always! This season, make room for Jesus so he can transform your life once again.
May your Advent be rich and your Christmas be Blessed,
Pastor David Nicol
Announcements from the Office

The Church Office will be closing Early (at 11:30 am) on Monday December 23, 2024
for the HUMC Staff Holiday Luncheon.
The Church will remain closed through Christmas Eve and Christmas Day
and re-open on Thursday December 26, 2024
The Church office will be open on New Years Eve (December 31)
and Closed on New Years Day (January 1, 2025)
As winter weather approaches please make sure to keep an eye out for
weather related closings for HUMC and Little Lamb Preschool :
on WIVB News 4 and WKBW Channel 7
As a general rule, if Hamburg And/ Or City Of Buffalo Public Schools are closed, then the Church and Little Lamb Preschool will also be closed.
Content for the gathering space slide show is accepted weekly
and due on Wednesday Morning to the church office.
**Please note for repeating slides, the last Sunday it should be run.
Office hours
Monday- Thursday: 9am-2pm
Friday: 9 am-Noon
Email us!!
Pastor David: PastorDavid@hamburgumc.org
Jeannine Vanwey: Music@hamburgumc.org
Emily Slocum: Treasurer@hamburgumc.org
Patrick Fitzgerald: AV@hamburgumc.org
Cristina Glover: Office@hamburgumc.org

Virginia C. Lyons – entered this life February 29, 1922; entered God’s heavenly kingdom October 22, 2024. Virginia is a longtime member of our church.
Ruth W. Waltz – entered this life February 4, 1935; entered God’s heavenly kingdom October 23, 2024. Ruth is the mother of Vivian Ruth Waltz, formerly deacon of our church.
Ronald J. Klimecko – entered this life August 18, 1960; entered God’s heavenly kingdom November 5, 2024. Ron is the brother of Chris Klimecko.
Our prayers are with their families that God will surround them with his comfort and peace.
On Sunday November 24, 2024 We welcomed the following individuals into our congregation as members.
Leo Jensen, Brenda Hyman, Steve Hobbs, Susan Hobbs, Joyce Wasnock.
Their photo will be published in the January Newsletter.

Poinsettia plants for Christmas will be available for purchase after the worship services Sundays, December 1, 8 and 15. A variety of plants – red, pink, white, marble and glitter – is available at a cost of $15 per plant. When purchasing your plant, you may designate the plant “in memory of” or “in honor of” someone special. The poinsettia plants will be on the altar for Sunday, December 22 and on Christmas Eve.

This event is being advertised at the request of Linda Ward who performs
(along with Doug Ward) as part of the OP Symphony for over 40 years.

Lisa Rood would like to share the news to the Congregataion that Respite's Therapy Dog Thor was recently awarded a new title by the Kennel Club of Buffalo. The title of Rally masters- the highest level in AKC Rally
Congrats to Thor and his handler Lynn Funch

Dive into a Good Book- Join the HUMC Book Club.
We meet in the church library on the 4th Monday of the month at 10:30 am.
The following are the upcoming book selections:
December: First Ladies by Marie Benedict
January: Remarkable Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt
February: West with Giraffes by Lynda Rutledge
Book Club is Zoom-friendly. Contact Karen Klimecko for more information

Coffee Hour Schedule December- Sarah Circle
January 2025- Missions/ Outreach
February 2025 - Finance
March 2025- SPRC
Groups are to provide goodies/ snacks each Sunday of the month they are scheduled.
Please get in touch with Sue Gagne or Joyce Spencer with any questions.
Medical Equipment Lending Closet
Hamburg UMC has a medical equipment lending closet. It is located in Room 18 in the basement. Please check the closet before purchasing wheelchairs, walkers, commodes, crutches, canes, etc. The equipment available constantly changes. If you have medical equipment you are no longer using, you may donate them. We cannot take soft items such as gauze pads, diabetic supplies, incontinence, bandages, etc. For questions, please call Caroline Schneggenburger at 716-289-0541.

The Retired Men’s Fellowship of Hamburg UMC will gather for their monthly lunch on Tuesday, December 17 at 12 Noon at ZJ’s Restaurant in the Hamburg Village Plaza. All retired men are invited. Come and bring a friend for good food and good fellowship. Any questions? See Dick Caldwell, facilitator
John Meader’s Sunday school class is starting a new series of lessons using Rev. Adam Hamilton’s book and DVD “Christianity and World Religions”. All are welcome to come join in the discussions every Sunday at 9:00 in the parlor.

Join us for a virtual fellowship! This group is a place to share prayer requests, devotions, concerns, joys, and even some humor with your church family. Join the Hamburg UMC Fellowship group on Facebook.
If you would like someone added to our church prayer list, call or text Barb Meader at 716-548-4139 or email her at bmeader712017@gmail.com, or contact anyone who is a Prayer, Care, and Share member, or Cristina in the church office. Our ministry is to pray daily for the concerns that have been shared with us.
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Phillipians 4:4-7)