Hamburg United Methodist Church 116 Union St Hamburg, New York, 14075 (716) 649-8080 Worship Livestream: Sundays at 10 am Via Facebook Live & Youtube
From The Desk of Pastor David Nicol
Dear Saints,
On July 31, 2022 (just after most of you receive this), there will be a Charge Conference at Versailles Pavilion, called to finalize a covenant between Hamburg UMC, Four Corners UMC, Versailles UMC, and Gowanda UMC. DS Carlos Rosa Laguer and Bishop Webb have decided to appoint me as Coordinating Pastor, overseeing a preaching rotation for the three congregations. As I announced on Sunday, this will take me from Hamburg four Sundays a year. It will also provide coverage for the three congregations with lay preachers, and provide both spiritual and practical training opportunities for those on the preaching rotation that I intend to make available to members of Hamburg UMC as well.
July was full, with a wonderful response to our return to Burger Fest, and a successful Open House raising awareness about addiction at Sparks of Hope the following weekend. We could not have asked for better weather at either event, and both brought people to the Church grounds.
August 21st brings the return of HUMANGO and all the ways you can be involved in the Golf Outing fundraiser process. This year, we are hoping for a successful fundraiser, once again, as utility costs continue to leave us in catch-up mode. This is a significant opportunity to help close the gap in our budget, but if you are blessed with the ability to be generous in giving, that would also help immensely.
I am working on a membership class for any new (or others who have been around a while) to join HUMC this fall. More information will follow. The schedule will likely be a bit intermittent, as you know I am co-parenting, and I will be planning some much-needed vacation time for September and October. My personal life, along with all the wonderful things that have been happening at HUMC, has kept me from planning earlier.
As you know, my personal life remains complicated. As of today, I do not have much to share, other than the boys are well, as am I, and we are planning to move my parents to Hamburg in August. I will ask folks to help me move my parents to the neighborhood in August. I’ll be asking for help unloading the truck—they will be away on the date the apartment becomes available (August 22), and I’ll be looking to load the truck the Friday and Saturday before in Honeoye, NY, and unload in Hamburg. I could not have predicted this a year ago, but I am glad they will be nearby, and that on their recent visits they have felt welcomed by the Hamburg UMC community.
I continue to be blessed to serve among you. Thank you for who you are and all you do!
In Christ’s Service, with you,
Pastor David Nicol

Dear Saints, Early in the year, the Church Council passed a budget that we expected we could fund using our usual methods of giving, limited fundraisers, and a reasonable year-end appeal. To date, our fundraisers have fallen slightly short, but we are also falling significantly behind our financial expectations for this time in the year. The primary issue is a constant increase in over-budget utility costs. The Council has discussed the intentional investigation into the cause of these costs, but for several months our utilities have exceeded the budget by over $1,000 each month, often by $1,500. Over a year, this is a sizable increase in our expenses. We want to keep everyone aware of the challenge before us as a community. If you are in a position to be generous, please consider how God is calling you to give beyond your pledge or regular giving so that we can bridge the gap. Grace and Peace, Pastor David Nicol on behalf of the Finance Committee and Church Council
Announcements from the Office

The Church office will be operating in a limited capacity from August 3rd-August 11th as Cristina will be on vacation with no access to phone or email.
Urgent matters should be directed to Rev. David Nicol, otherwise, all emails will be returned in the order received upon Cristina's return to the office.
♥♥♥ Special Thank you to Lynda Sentz, Dianne Caldwell, and Pat Adema who have volunteered their time to staff the office during this time. ♥♥♥
The office will be putting together an announcement slideshow for the gathering space. Content is accepted weekly and due on Wednesday Morning to the church office.
**Please note for repeating slides, the last Sunday it should be run.
Office hours
Monday- Thursday: 9am-2pm
Friday: 9 am-Noon
Email us!!
Pastor David: PastorDavid@hamburgumc.org
Jeannine Vanwey: Music@hamburgumc.org
Lisa Link: ChristianEd@hamburgumc.org
Kathy Manguso: Treasurer@hamburgumc.org
Patrick Fitzgerald: AV@hamburgumc.org
Cristina Glover: Office@hamburgumc.org

If unable to serve on your appointed date,
please make arrangements to switch with another Steward

Thank you for the generous support to United Women in Faith (UMW) and The United Methodist Men of Hamburg UMC who helped make our Mission Trip to Red Bird Mission Trip a success. If you would like to join us on next year's trip, please reach out to Rick Park, or us. Thanks again, Leo and Ginger Jensen.

Peg and Bob Hunt – celebrating their 70th wedding anniversary on August 9.

It is time to collect your "treasures" for Granny's Attic and deliver them to Room 19. If you have any questions, contact Judy Engberg, Carolyn Schneggenburger, or Barbara Lockwood.

After a couple of years hiatus,
HUMANO (Hamburg United Methodist Annual Golf Outing) Committee
Is planning this year’s golf outing
So Make your plans for golf and dinner, get your foursome lined up and
Be ready for a great Day

March 1869 marked the founding of the Women’s Foreign Missionary Society. During the past 153 years since then, the name has changed many times as the mission and ministry of the organization have grown and changed. But just like our foremothers, UNITED WOMEN IN FAITH listens, asks, and changes. Change is hard but it is holy.
The official announcement made in March 2022 follows years of planning and preparation with input from UMW members and member-elect boards of directors. They have had the best interests of everyone at heart especially the women, children, and youth supported by Women in Faith now and in the future.
United Methodist Women remains the legal name of the women’s organization of the United Methodist Church. Its theology and practice of faith remain United Methodist. The new operating name, UNITED WOMEN IN FAITH, helps to answer God’s call to grow, change, lead, include and uplift. It includes a new look, new feel, and new and improved programs designed to nurture current members and welcome new women into the sisterhood putting love into action.
UNITED WOMEN IN FAITH has a new mission statement: United Women in Faith seeks to connect and nurture women through Christian spiritual formation, leadership development, creative fellowship, and education so that they can inspire, influence, and impact local and global communities. There is also a new logo – a Christian cross in muted, yellow, blue, orange, and green to reflect forwarding-looking faith and the diversity of the organization and God’s world.
The women of Hamburg UMC will be adopting the new name, UNITED WOMEN IN FAITH, following its mission statement and continuing to focus on its mission and ministry to women, children, and youth. Love in action can change the world.

Mark: Eyewitness by Ellen Gunderson Traylor. Mark’s life was confusing. His father had been killed in a Libyan insurrection, and Mark’s future in Rome had become clouded. It was Passover week, and reports were circulating about a Nazarene rabbi. This rabbi and his disciples came to eat the Passover meal in the upper room of his family’s estate. Later he followed the group of men down the road and into a garden. As he watched from behind the bushes, he was terrified as he saw what was happening. Later he had his own experience with the rabbi. He committed himself to Christ and now tells the story of the early church.
All Together in One Place – A novel of kinship, courage, and faith by Jane Kirkpatrick. Mary Bacon’s life was promising and predictable. Suddenly her husband told her they would be moving out to the western frontier. Her love was tried, her boundaries stretched and her faith tested. She and eleven extraordinary women bonded together as they faced uncertain destinies. Based on an actual 1852 Oregon Trail incident, this story speaks to the strength of every woman and celebrates the promise of hope that comes amid tragedy and challenge. The sequel to this story, No Eye Can See, is also in our church library.
Understanding God’s Timing – When It Hurts Too Much to Wait by Larry Richards. We have all known times when things aren’t working out. When we’ve done all we’re supposed to do – pray, ask for guidance, try to do God’s will. And then nothing happens…or so it seems. The pain doesn’t stop. The answers don’t come clear. We are left with our hurts, our questions, and our unmet needs. Waiting. Trying to understand. While the author doesn’t offer easy answers, he does offer wisdom and encouragement for those difficult times when all you can do is wait for God’s timing.
There are still many warm summer days to find a comfortable place to relax and read. Visit our church library to find a good collection of books for your reading enjoyment.

The Missions Committee and the former chairs of the Family Promise Program decided to dispose of the cots used when HUMC housed participants. The Hawes and the Jacksons held a fundraiser to purchase the cots specifically for the program. Ultimately, Family Promise developed a downtown site where program participants could stay without moving from church to church. The cots had not been used for several years. Family Promise was able to use some of the cots. The remaining cots were donated to Catholic Charities which will use them for refugees. Family Promise is still a vital program in Western New York and would welcome donations. You may donate to Family Promise through your Missions/Outreach Committee. Make your check payable to Hamburg UMC with the name Family Promise in the memo section. Missions Committee will make sure all funds reach Family Promise.

Join us for a virtual fellowship! This group is a place to share prayer requests, devotions, concerns, joys, and even some humor with your church family. Join the Hamburg UMC Fellowship group on Facebook.
Meet our Staff: Julie Goetz

Julie Goetz became the Choir Director for Southtowns Community Youth choir in 2022. She was born in Rockland County, NY before moving to pursue a college degree in Music Education at the State University of New York at Fredonia. She is currently completing her master's in Music Education with a concentration in voice.
Before working at HUMC, Julie received her certification in music education in New York and is currently employed as a substitute teacher at Dunkirk Central School District and Silver Creek Central School District. She hopes to become a choral director at the middle school or high school level.
Beginning in elementary school, Julie studied voice, piano, and cello and was involved in the Sacred Heart Church youth group and choir. Finding her passion for music, she continued to take individual lessons and participated in ensembles including Mixed Choir, Select Choir, Chamber Orchestra, and Symphony orchestra throughout high school. In college, she was a part of the College Choir at SUNY Fredonia and began hosting private lessons for piano and voice in 2020.
PRAYER CONCERNS? If you would like someone added to our church prayer list, call Barb Meader (648-1273) or email her at bmeader712017@gmail.com, or contact anyone who is a Prayer, Care, and Share member. Daily we lift the concerns that have been shared with us.
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4: 4-7)