I -am- hungry. I went to bed hungry. I woke up hungry. I had opted once again to eat just dinner today. I made it through the day by drinking copious amounts of iced water. But I felt like I could not focus and was always thinking about food.
After work I went home to grab something to eat. My original plan was to make falaphel and hummus but considering I limited time before I had to run out out the door I opted for some quick rice and beans.

1 cup of cooked rice
1/2 cup of canned red beans
1 beef stick (I have only 4 left!)
and a tablespoon or so of oil and I fried it all up together with a dash of my spice.
Also I discovered that canned beans have their own flavor? Normally when I made anything with canned beans I drained and rinsed them of their containing liquid. I didn't do that here because I need ever single bit of nutrients I can get. And I was surprised that this actually tasted.. good? I wouldn't put this dish in front of Gordon Ramsey but it was so good to my hungry belly. I gobbled it up quickly and was out the door to the next thing.
★★★★★ 5/5 stars

I got back home pretty late, about 9 pm and I remembered I had the soaked chick peas waiting for me. I divided the batch in half and put half in my instant pot to cook for a couple of minutes and half went right into my food processor. I ground them up pretty finely, added a dash of flour, and a pinch of spice. Used my hands form little "meat" balls and fried them up in some oil.

I then made a single crepe. I just used equal parts flour and water and mixed them up with a fork until they formed a thin pancake batter. And I spread it the very same skillet I used to fry up the falafel using a spatula, then I flipped it once it started cooking. It was a lot easier than I thought it was going to be.

I ended up eating the entire crepe and only 3 of the falafals because I'm not sure if I will have enough rations to last the entire week, that has me a bit worried. ★★★★★ 5/5 stars

When the chickpeas finished cooking in the instant pot. (It was late and I didn't have time to wait the hour for the stove to cook them). I ran them through the food processor with some water, a drizzle of oil and a bit of spice. I'm anticipating this will also bit good when I eventually eat it. I went to bed a little less hollow but still very hungry.

Beverages: All the water and ice cubes
Recap: very hungry all the time. I felt like I had a difficult time focusing. My energy lived dipped and waned somewhat dramatically. Therefore, I was really irritable; especially at the end of the day. I could feel the lack of sustenance. It is an effort to stay my usual chipper self but I'm doing my best. On another note despite my hunger I fell asleep really quickly. Probably because the overall lack of energy. I survived to live another day. My family had full bellies of food while many go without. My child has never known hunger, even thought I felt pretty miserable I know I am blessed. This whole experience for me is temporary. For others, this is daily life. I think about that often.
If you would like to sponsor me in completing the ration challenge, and support refugees worldwide you can donate online here or you can mail a check payable to:
CWS Ration Challenge
P.O. Box 968
Elkhart, IN 46515
Cristina Glover
Administrative Assistant at Hamburg United Methodist Church
A 116 Union St Hamburg NY 14075
P 716-649-8080 E office@hamburgumc.org W hamburgumc.org