Well I survived another day of the Ration Challenge. I made it through work on Wednesday by once again consuming plenty of water during my work day, keeping my stomach feeling full.
I came home from work and my husband wanted to go for a bike ride to the library. Something that we like to do several times a week. The Library is less than a mile away and normally takes about 4 minutes for us to get there by bike.
I could scarcely do it. I was convinced that I was going to pass out before I made it back home. I tried going with my gears down, and my gears up and my legs felt like they had no will to pedal. At that point it was a full 24 hours since I had anything to eat. I wasn't even trying to ride quickly. I was a leisurely bike ride down the street and back. The few books I had in my backpack felt like there were made of cinder blocks and It felt difficult to keep my balance.
I did end up making it home. And Immediately went to grab something to eat.
I finished off the remainder of my red kidney beans. Along with one of my beef sticks. (I now have 2 remaining) and a cup of rice.

I ate this and I felt okay. Which was mind boggling because there is no way that I should feel okay.
1 Cup White Rice: 206 Calories
Beef Stick: 76 Calories
1/2 Cup Kidney Beans: 106 Calories
1 TBSP Vegetable oil: 124 Calories
512 Calories for the Day.
An average woman needs to eat about 2,000 Calories. An Average Man needs 2500.
So have I been losing weight? You bet. Don't worry though, according to my doctor I have a surplus of energy stored. I'm going to be just fine. But if I was a refugee this weight loss would continue until my "extra stored energy" could no longer sustain me. And then what?
Recap: I have found myself even daily still sinking into a down and sad mood at night time. And I've been doing my very best to focus on the other things I take for granted. When it's raining, I have clothes to keep my warm and dry, and a roof for shelter. I am not underneath of tent, huddled with my family for warmth. I have multiple methods of transportation. I can go to places where I am granted access to educational/ recreational materials. For goodness sake-I know how to read. I am safe. I remind myself once again of how blessed I am, and it gets me through the day.
On a positive note, I have now raised $91.20 so far in the Ration Challenge. That is enough to provide school kits to 5 refugee children. Opening a new world up for them through education. Thank you so much! Your continued prayers and messages of support strengthen me.
If you would like to sponsor me in completing the ration challenge, and support refugees worldwide you can donate online here or you can mail a check payable to:
CWS Ration Challenge
P.O. Box 968
Elkhart, IN 46515
Cristina Glover
Administrative Assistant at Hamburg United Methodist Church
A 116 Union St Hamburg NY 14075
P 716-649-8080 E office@hamburgumc.org W hamburgumc.org