Hamburg United Methodist Church
116 Union St
Hamburg, New York, 14075
(716) 649-8080
Worship Sundays at 10 am

Saints Peter & Paul Food Pantry Needs Our Support
Dear Church Members,
We have an urgent call to action from the Saints Peter & Paul Food Pantry. They urgently need donations to support their efforts in providing food for the homeless individuals temporarily housed in Hamburg, along with the assistance of St. Luke’s Mission of Mercy.
We kindly request you to bring non-perishable food items and other essential supplies to the church this Sunday and for the upcoming weeks. These items will greatly benefit those in need, especially those currently residing in hotels.
Suggested Donations:
Peanut butter and jelly
Pasta sauce
Canned soup
Instant soup
Canned ravioli
Canned fruit
Non-frozen meals
Paper products (plates, bowls, cups)
Toiletries (toilet paper, soap, toothbrush)
Winter outerwear (hats and gloves)
Monetary donations for items they do not have
Monetary donations can also be made to the following addresses:
Saints Peter & Paul Church Memo: Outreach 36 Pine St. Hamburg, NY 14075
St. Luke’s Mission of Mercy P.O. Box 448 Buffalo, NY 14215
FeedMore of WNY P.O. Box 5163 Buffalo, NY 14240-5163
Let us unite as a community to make a difference in the lives of those less fortunate. Your generous contributions will help provide essential support and nourishment during this critical time.
Thank you for your continued support and generosity.
In service,
Missions/Outreach Committee
Adult Sunday School
John Meader’s Adult Sunday School class is meeting each Sunday at 9am in the
Parlor. Presently we are using Max Lucado’s book, Help is Here, and the
accompanying DVD to learn more about the Holy Spirit. All are welcome!

Our little pantry at Sparks of Hope is nearly empty, and our shelves are bare. Members of our recovery community rely on your generosity to see them through the hard times. Please drop off nonperishable groceries when Sparks is open, or leave them inside the pantry.

The Church office is glad to announce that services going forward will be streamed via YouTube Live, in addition to the current Facebook Live services. You can access the Youtube live stream on our Youtube Channel, or directly on our church website homepage.
Please make sure to "Like" and "Subscribe"

Operation Christmas Child is coming!
November 12- 16. Boxes are currently available in the gathering space.
Contact Ginger and Leo Jensen for more information

Coffee Hour Schedule
Groups are to provide goodies/ snacks
each Sunday of the month they are scheduled.
Please get in touch with Sue Gagne or Joyce Spencer with any questions.

Order of Worship
Sunday, November 12, 2023
Facebook Live: https://www.facebook.com/HamburgNYUMC/live_videos Youtube Live: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxRWld9XtaLY0WpX7JsXEcw
Google Meet Dial-In: 617-675-4444 PIN: 301 463 603 6721#
Your Light has filled our lives, But we have not shared it with others.
Lord, have mercy on us. You have marked us as your own in baptism, but we have not lived as your faithful people. Christ, have mercy on us. You have called us top be a light to the nations, But we have hidden our light under a bushel. Lord, Have mercy on us. Transform us by the power of your Holy Spirit so that we may live out our baptism as your new creation, forgiven, and made whole by your matchless love In Jesus Christ our Lord. Thanks be to God! Amen
OPENING MUSIC:”Eternal God, Transcending Time” #3030 Worship & Song
Lord God, let me give until it helps the poor and needy,
let me love until it changes the abused and doubtful,
and let me serve
until it blesses the least and the oppressed
through my tithe, time, talent, and testimony. Amen.
SCRIPTURE: Deuteronomy 34:1-12 Read by: Caroline Schneggenburger
Matthew 22:34-46
SERMON: ”Living God’s Way” Rev. David Nicol
CHOIR ANTHEM: “Great is Thy Faithfulness”
TITHES & OFFERINGS tithes.hamburgumc.org/Give
DOXOLOGY “Praise God from Whom all Blessings Flow” #94 UMH
CELEBRATION OF THE LORD’S SUPPER For sung responses, please refer to slides
CLOSING HYMN: “Take my Life, and Let it Be” #399 UMH